VCKOVCKO Hair Promoter

Do you want to be VCKOVCKO--girl? Do you want to be VCKOVCKO Hair Promoter to get free hair or get paid? Now Join us to slay the beauty!
First, register Refersion to get your personal link, then share the link to your friends or other social media.
1. We will send free hair by clicks:
1.Over 500 valid clicks in 1 month, you will get one $5Coupons (Lol, you could use it to buy your favorite wig)
2.Over 1200 valid clicks in 1 month, you will get $10 Coupons (Lol, you could use it to buy your favorite wig)
3.Over 2000 valid clicks in 1 month, you will get $20 Coupons (Lol, you could use it to buy your favorite wig)
4.Over 3000 valid clicks in 1 month, you will get $25 Coupons (Lol, you could use it to buy anything on our online store)
Notice that,same people click the link within 1 hour will be counted once, different people click the link is a valid link. We only count the valid clicks.
2. You could get paid by refer your friends:
When you friends or other people place the order through your link, here would be a record in your account! 2% commission would be paid through paypal directly!
You could check your link, visits, referred orders in your Refersion Account!
Any questions, contact us at
VCKOVCKO Hair is very appreciate for all Real VCKOVCKO Hair Promoters' hard working!